Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Play It Again Rita Essays (274 words) - Conversation,

Play It Again Rita Annonymous By: Paule Marshall One woman tries to convey the variety of voices from West Indians and black American Engilsh which are her heritage. She gained her knowledge through her mother and her friens. She mentioned how listening to her mother affected her life as to being the person that she is tody. She has become a successful writer. (thesis) In The Making of a Writer, Paule Marshall demonstrates that although she grew up in a kitchen listening to her mother and friens talk, not being able to be heard, she learns a few things through her mother and her friends. (topic sentence 1) Marshall's mother and her friends got together for a cup of tea or cocoa and to talk a bit before heading home to their families. They got together in their brownstone home kitchen in Brooklyn everyday for about two hours. She and her sister would be seated doing homework while the ladies talked endlessly. They talked about political events and historical events like wars and the rumors that went on of wars that took place back then. They also talked about their home in the Caribbean and also their adopted home ---- AMERICA ----. (topic sentence 2) The rule for children in the 30's was for them to be seated in the corner of the room, being seen, but not heard. Marshall wasn't able to join in on any of her mother's conversations. She was only able to listen and not say a word. Marshall may not have been able to talk much within the crowd of older folks, but she sure did learn a lot about some events in the past and also about her heritage through listening to her mother's conversations as she grew up.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Free Essays on Columbine Motives

Analysis of Motives â€Å"What is involved when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it?† Kenneth Burke in, â€Å"Grammar of Motives† offers us a way to analyze different people or events and why they did it. Through the idea of Pentad we can further analyze things to cover all aspects of it. Pentad includes five principle terms. They are: Act, Scene, Agent, Agency, and Purpose. We can use this to analyze motives behind certain events. The act is what event actually took place. The scene deals with the situation or place where the event occurred. The person or kind of person who performed the act is the agent. Agency is what means or instruments he used. And last but not least is the purpose. In this paper I will discuss different articles that deal with the Columbine scandal and the ways people view this incident through the use of Pentad. Burke argues that each person who looks at a certain way using this pentad will have a different way of looking at it. For example when people look at the Columbine shootings, you can rarely find articles that are similar to each other. Why is that? We were created with our own mind. Not one of us has lived identical lives to anyone else. People Johnson 2 develop views on things throughout a collection of study and experience building inside us so therefore it is all different. Earlier in the year we read a piece from Burke â€Å"Terministic Screens† ; this talked about experiences and how each event or experience in our life that we encounter, we develop a screen in our head. A photographer uses different lenses and not one lens is the same. You could be looking at the exact same thing through that lens but the way you see it in you mind is different. The same thing comes into play here. My pentad for looking at an event is not like anyone other person’s pentad. Another aspect on the pentad deals with ratios. We use ratios to help us analyze articles. So... Free Essays on Columbine Motives Free Essays on Columbine Motives Analysis of Motives â€Å"What is involved when we say what people are doing and why they are doing it?† Kenneth Burke in, â€Å"Grammar of Motives† offers us a way to analyze different people or events and why they did it. Through the idea of Pentad we can further analyze things to cover all aspects of it. Pentad includes five principle terms. They are: Act, Scene, Agent, Agency, and Purpose. We can use this to analyze motives behind certain events. The act is what event actually took place. The scene deals with the situation or place where the event occurred. The person or kind of person who performed the act is the agent. Agency is what means or instruments he used. And last but not least is the purpose. In this paper I will discuss different articles that deal with the Columbine scandal and the ways people view this incident through the use of Pentad. Burke argues that each person who looks at a certain way using this pentad will have a different way of looking at it. For example when people look at the Columbine shootings, you can rarely find articles that are similar to each other. Why is that? We were created with our own mind. Not one of us has lived identical lives to anyone else. People Johnson 2 develop views on things throughout a collection of study and experience building inside us so therefore it is all different. Earlier in the year we read a piece from Burke â€Å"Terministic Screens† ; this talked about experiences and how each event or experience in our life that we encounter, we develop a screen in our head. A photographer uses different lenses and not one lens is the same. You could be looking at the exact same thing through that lens but the way you see it in you mind is different. The same thing comes into play here. My pentad for looking at an event is not like anyone other person’s pentad. Another aspect on the pentad deals with ratios. We use ratios to help us analyze articles. So...