Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ethics And Code Of Ethics - 815 Words

1. a. Felipe was concerned about many issues when he visited the Chinese factories. The ethical filter of â€Å"self† spoke words to him, as he felt uncomfortable about continuing to outsource his company’s products from a factory with such rough conditions. The employment of young girls, long working hours, lack of appropriate gears for employees to perform their work safely, high temperatures inside the factories, danger respiratory conditions, and also the living conditions the workforce was exposed to - including no windows or running water - were against his personal definition of right, good and fair. Even though the case study does not describe clearly, one could easily assume that these practices do not comply with the key values and the code of ethics and conduct that Felipe’s company is likely to have. The fact that Felipe was immediately shocked with the labor conditions shows that it goes against what his company practices in his home country, triggering the filters of â€Å"policies† and â€Å"universal†. b. For Felipe’s company and other competitors that also have their products manufactured by the Chinese factory, what was at stake was the cost of goods, which was important for the overall competitiveness. Felipe’s boss was very direct in pointing out that he believed that any change in the factory’s policy would increase costs, which would impact in the purchase price of the merchandise they were sourcing from China. Therefore, in order not to raise prices, it was not inShow MoreRelatedCode Of Ethics : Code Ethics1334 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: CODE OF ETHICS 1 CODE OF ETHICS 5 Code of Ethics Hieu Le Columbia Southern University Code of ethics is the most essential aspect of the society that organizations and individuals need to fulfill and apply this aspect in their workplaces and families in order to achieveRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics912 Words   |  4 Pagesessential for the organization to have a strong code of ethics to ensure all employees understand the ethical expectations of the organization. The code acts as a guide for employees to ensure they apply ethical decision making in the workplace. As the manager you will play an essential role in disseminating this information to employees as well as ensuring they are in compliance with the code. Employees must understand the consequences of failing to uphold the code and the importance of reporting ethicalRead MoreEthics Of The Code Of Ethics946 Words   |  4 PagesIt is a violation of the code of ethics and they don’t consequentially suggest lawful accountability or infringement of the law. Such strength of character can be capable of simply be situated in the perspective of lawful and official procedures. Unproven infringements of the code of ethics would be questioned to a colleague assessment procedure. Such procedures exist in general unconnected on or after lawful or organizational processes and shielded on or after the lawful assessment or proceduresRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics Essay1704 Words   |  7 PagesCode of Ethics Implementation A Code of Ethics is regarded as the written guideline to the moral constitution of an organization ( ). The Code of Ethics (Appendix A) outlines the rights, duties, responsibilities, and a benchmark for the organization and its evaluation (Mihai Alina, 2013). It contains behavioral principles and rules of conduct that aids in the decision-making processes and balances the stakeholders expectations and interests against corporate responsibilityRead MoreThe Ethics Of A Code Of Ethics1648 Words   |  7 Pagesmajor stakeholders can be proud of, codes of ethics are created as a set of guidelines for every involved stakeholder to follow and adhere to. In his conclusion (Lambert, 2009) states that the development and subsequent implementation of a code of ethics is a critical part of establishing a value system within the commercial crime prevention discipline. He further goes on to say that, as a value system, the success of this endeavor lies not in whether the code makes staff behave, but rather moreRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics Essay727 Words   |  3 PagesCode of Ethics A code of ethics/conduct is an important part of an organization. It clarifies the organization s mission, values and principles, linking them with standards of professional conduct. According to (n.d.), ethics is the study of good and bad behavior and a person is acting ethically, they are doing what is right. Additionally, ethics require that a person conforms to a higher standard of behavior than the law requires. A code of ethics is an open disclosure for the wayRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics1203 Words   |  5 Pagesissues will arise that will force you to educate yourself further with the AAMFT Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics are beneficial to the well-being of the therapist and can prevent them from getting into a legal bind. I will be discussing the outcomes to several issues given, and also addressing what I would do personally when faced with these oppositions. The questions require me to constantly review my AAMFT Code of Ethics and apply them to the issues that have arisen. I will have to consult withRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Code Of Ethics1312 Words   |  6 PagesThe value of integrity is another important aspect of the NASW Code of Ethics. It is essential that social workers develop a relationship built on trust and righteousness. It has been suggested that through a â€Å"minimum combination of training and ongoing support (supervision, consultation, and coaching), preferably extended with booster sessions,† (Goense, Boendermaker Yperen, 2015, p. 69), a social worker can develop an effective relationship full of integrity. According to the National AssociationRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction. This code is important for our employees, customers, shareholders and partners. This code explains and summarizes our stander that protects the company s reputability and its business from any risk. Moreover, it shows how we deal with our partners. We believe that our success depends on the actions of our members and partners. Because of that, we are committed to make sure that everyone in our company is compliance with this Code and other law. †¢ Binding scope. This Code of Ethics is writtenRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics1457 Words   |  6 PagesCode of Ethics A business code of ethics is a series of established principles an organization uses when operating in business or society. Organizations often develop these codes to ensure that all individuals working in the company operate according to the same standards. Most individuals have an internal code of ethics or moral principles they follow in life. A situation one individual finds ethically reprehensible may not seem so to another individual. Using a code of ethics in business attempts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

When Should You Use LUn Instead of Un in French

When should you use lun and when should you use un? Whats the difference? Well, there are good reasons for this syntactical variation. Remember, French is rich in syntax, so what might seem like a minor difference in structure can translate into a major difference in sound or meaning. The difference between the two forms is fairly simple; it has to do with grammar and register, or the level of formality or informality of the surrounding language. 'L'Un' as a Pronoun In formal French, when un functions a pronoun, rather than an article or number, it can be replaced by lun. How do you know whether  un  is a pronoun, article, or number? Very simple: Any time  un  is followed by a preposition, usually  de, or by anything else other than a noun, its a pronoun. Otherwise,  un  is either a number (one) or an article (a, an).Tu dois choisir lun de ces livresYou have to choose one of these booksJai vu lun de ses amisI saw one of his friends 'L'Un'at the Beginning of a Sentence When un is a pronoun at the beginning of a sentence, it is nearly always replaced by lun, for reasons of euphony, or making pronunciation in this musical language as fluid and harmonious as possible.Lun de mes meilleurs à ©tudiants est à   lhà ´pital.One of my best students is in the hospital.Lun de vous doit maider.One of you has to help me. Expressions With 'L'Un' There are also a number of fixed expressions with lun. Cest tout lun tout lautre. Theres no in-between; everything is black and deux choses lune   two possibilitieslun à   lautre     to each otherlun aprà ¨s lautre     one after the otherlun dans lautre     all in alllun deux, lun dentre eux, lune delles, lune dentre elles     one of themlun et lautre     both (of them)lun lautre     one another, each otherlun ou lautre     either one, one or the otherni lun ni lautre     neither onesoit lun soit lautre     either one, one or the other 'Un' as a Number or an Article When un is a number (one) or an article (a, an), it should not be replaced by lun.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Jai un frà ¨re et deux soeurs.I have one brother and two sisters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Je vois une femme.I see a woman.      Cest un Apollon.Hes an Adonis.      Un jour, à §a sera possible.One day, that will be possible.      Il est dun drà ´le !Hes so funny!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tesco Case Analysis Free Essays

Tests had an In store policy that a new checkout line would be opened If there was m re than 1 person waiting In line and they were pioneers In self service checkout terminal. Tests was also innovative with its store formats. Tests stores ranges in size and service fro m; Express, Metro, Superstore, Extra, and Homeless. We will write a custom essay sample on Tesco Case Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tests used consumer purchase data to tailor assortments to local customer needs. Tests also increased the amount of non food items they stocked to include a clothing line. The Club card, which offered cash back rewards and redeemable vouchers, was successful In creating loyalty among Its consumer. Tests proved successful In International operations by expanding Into emerging entries with minimal competition such as those in Eastern Europe and Asia. It AC aired smaller, established retailers and kept local management in place. They were flexible in their strategy and acted locally using multiple formats. Tests also leveraged its brand loyalty to expand in other service areas such as; flan telecommunications, and grocery delivery. This by partnering or eventually acquiring recognized and trusted brands/organizations. 2. Which success factors are or are not transferable to the US? Transitioning to the United States presented a challenge for Tests considering that t Eire major factor of international success have been the lack of strong competition in the new areas to expand. Clearly not this case, because there were around 35,000 supermarkets In t and in addition, almost every retailer from drugstores to home improvement centers sold some grocery items. There existed intense price competition as the U. S. Was over stored, according to some industry analysts, and the average U. S. Supermarket realized an operating proof t of 2% to 3% of sales, presenting a much different landscape from what Tests was transitioning g from in the U. K. Nevertheless, Tests identified an increasing consumer interest in wellness, in health conscious food choices and a continuing trend towards on the go consumption, especially evident in California as a result of greater automobile commuting times compared to the national average. Tests hoped to avoid the headed head competition for the weekly family shopping trim with the established grocery chains, a niche it dominated in the U. K. , and rather focus s on targeting an undeserved niche in the marketplace. 3. Was Tests smart to enter the US market? In California, Arizona and Nevada? Although early analysis led decision makers to believe the US, especially the Southwest was a good market to enter actual performance leads one to think otherwise. Tests c inducted a great deal of due diligence prior to entering the US market. They analyzed trends I indicated by market research, sent senior managers to live with Californian families, and conducted d a mock store tour with 200 focus groups. By targeting an undeserved niche in the marketplace ace, Tests hoped to avoid headed head competition for the weekly family shopping trip with established grocery chains. Several other factors demonstrated potential to include: o Grocery retailing in the US embraced multiple formats (in keeping with Tests strategy No national grocery retailer in the US None of the principal supermarket chains (Kroger, Safely, Supernal) commanded more than 15% of US grocery sales Market size: $600 billion Possible gap between convenience stores and supermarkets that might be filled by neighborhood markets o Increasing customer interest in wellness, in health conscious food choices, and a Tests specifically looked to the following benefits of California, Arizona and Nevada: S Grocery retailing not dominated by any one chain S Lower penetration by Wall Mart than in other US regions S CA: rapidly growing, ethnically diverse population of over 35 million, median house hold income well above national average S AZ, NV. Similarly diverse and growing rapidly Despite all of the potential benefits, Tests faced several challenges to include: Competition (35,000 supermarkets) Almost every retailer from drugstores to home improvement centers also sold grocer y items (overstated) Intense price competition Economic downturn Low average operating profits of 23% of sales Prior attempts by British supermarket chains to expand into the US had proven nuns successful 4. What is the Fresh Easy value proposition? Is it likely to be appealing in California, Arizona and Nevada? â€Å"C†¦ ] customers wanted great service, choice, and value† (p. 4) â€Å"offer fresh, wholesome food at affordable prices† (p. 7) â€Å"strong commitment to being a good neighbor and a great place to work† (p. ) emphasis on everyday low pricing rather than weekly specials hoped to leverage lower operating costs to deliver â€Å"honest low prices† on â€Å"fresh wholesome food† that â€Å"should be available to everyone† in a â€Å"neighborhood market† ( Employees from local community, carefully selected to fit Deco’s culture (p. 7) Nonfood items would account for only 5% of sales (p. 7) â€Å"ready to sell† approach, whereby many products sent from distribution center to store packaged, extending product freshness , protecting produce from damage, cutting down on spoilage, requiring less refrigeration, and reducing labor needed to stock shelves (p. ) Leveraging relationships with collaborators for distribution (p. 8); this centralized MO del was similar to Walter’s Smaller stores = easier permitting process Taking over existing, vacant drugstores = cheaper than building from scratch New stores built from prepare materials = quicker construction, lower overhead, streamlined supply chain Energy efficient stores (30% less energy than comparable, traditional stores; some stores LED certified) Fresh Easy emphasized everyday low pricing rather than weekly specials and hope d to on â€Å"fresh wholesome food† that â€Å"should be available to everyone† in a â€Å"neighborhood market. Fresh Easy leveraged relationships with collaborators for distribution to create value e by minimizing costs and emphasize fresh. Their â€Å"ready to sell† approach, whereby prepare caged products went directly from distributors to local stores, promotes that it extended pro duct freshness. The prepackaging protected produce from damage, cut down on spoilage, required less refrigeration, and reduced labor needed to stock shelves. Fresh Ease’s appeal in new markets relied on various factors. California offered the rapidly growing, ethnically diverse population of over 35 million with a median house hold income well above the national average. The percentage of Caucasians had fallen to below 45 and 40% of people spoke a language other than English at home. Hispanic Americans accounted for 37% of the population, Seminarians for 12% and African Americans 6%. The populations of Arizona and Nevada were similarly diverse and growing rapidly. Ethnically diverse pop populations are likely to appreciate Fresh Ease’s value propositions. The emphasis on â€Å"honest 10 w prices† and a â€Å"neighborhood market†appeal to various ethnicities. However, Fresh Easy built many stores in suburban neighborhoods. The population n in these neighborhoods tend to shop less times per week but spend more at each visit. These habits clash with the Fresh Easy concept of daily visits to grab a quick and inexpensive vive bite. It may have been a better idea to have targeted urban cities like New York or Chicago w here the population’s buying habits are more compatible with Fresh Ease’s intended target. 5. How to cite Tesco Case Analysis, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marketing Strategies Capabilities

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Strategies Capabilities. Answer: Introduction The first section in the report gives the brief explanation regarding the analysed and the marketing objectives that the company has rendered. The marketing strategies that are currently applied by the company are emphasized and mentioned. The second section, states about the recommendations and the marketing options that can be applied in the Aldi Australian market. The marketing tools and the strategies would help the success of the company. The Aldi Australian market has been analysed with the current marketing strategies and providing the recommendations for the near future; there are some promotional measures as mentioned (Kottler Amstrong, 2012). Background to the company Aldi is a retail supermarket store that consists of two main groups such as Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. The groups are as such independent ad performs different operations. The company has survived in the competitive retailing market and is a well-known retail store in Australia. Aldi was established by two brothers Karl and Theo in the year 1948; now the company turns into world's biggest food retailer store that wons more than 7000 stores all over the world (Mizik and Jacobson, 2007). The company established in Australia in the year 2001 and then has a rapid growth in the next decade. So, the company follows the policy of providing goods with quality and at a reasonable price compared to other retail stores. The market is wide, and the marketing strategies implemented by the company have become an integral part of the strategies and the success of the company (Debra and Abbie, 2010). The company has faced various challenges in the recent past, so it has to overcome and achieve competit ive advantage by its marketing strategies as the report says. There are areas of improvement that can be justified and applied in the grocery stores with the help of strategic advantage as a response to the face the challenging environment. Marketing mix and market segmentation can help the company to achieve the predetermined goals and objectives of the company. The company has survived in the competitive market and has eventually become one of the respectable retailers. The argument states that other rivals are even great retailing corporations which are well known and has made their name by proving to expand their strategies while indicating and contributing to the success. The marketing position and the target market gives an overview of the marketing strategies that help to analyse the report, while particularly chasing over to the strategies that can be a future option. The Australian market is as such a dominated one and has expanded while adopting acquisitions as such with two big companies in the past decade. The growth of the supermarket is being analysed while the skills are examined to give a success rate. So, the price, product, place and promotion are the main marketing mix components that help to decide over the successful marketing strategies. The company has applied a marketing strategy that affects the consumer choice and he lps to build within a stipulated area with an increase in the sales volume. Marketing analysis Marketing analysis and the strategies implemented by Aldi is being discussed a foremost part that indicates different strategies and policies adopted by the company. The recommendations as such for the next decade are even being discussed in the report. Marketing strategies by Aldi Aldi being a discounted supermarket chain in the country has mainly controlled cost in the business. The model as such has been unchanged, but the grocery retail store has moreover tried to control the price and increase the quality of the product. The philosophy that is focused on the company is as such as aiming to avoid the superfluous and focusing on indispensable investment. The report justifies the cost and the expenses that occur while the market has a possible saving even after reducing cost. The cost indicates with a figure of 15% that helps in the procurement of the price; the logistics include as such merely 2% and the rental heads and other marketing plus strategies indicate a higher cost including the staff and the payment (Ethiraj, Kale, Krishnan and Singh, 2005). The company observes that instead of extending the hours of opening, the store has a 12 hours opening hours that can be favourable when compared to other competitors in Australia. As such, the competitors have open for 24 hours and 365 days round the year (OSullivan, et, al., 2009). There are no advertisements that can be seen for Aldi store as such the company has already its name in the market and the market position that the company plays during the recent years are favourable and apparently with strategic intention. There are no as such lottery terminals add, photo booths, dry cleaning and news agent that has a separate counsellor with a service centre that occupies space for marketing (Douwe, et, al., 2006). The company has made current changes in the with the facility and has ended up with the minimised cost that occurs for the products and the pricing policy. These are the main marketing components that are scattered and are widely used to target the customers while dividing the customer with the market segmentation (Newbert, 2007). The firm then achieves the payroll that helps to increase the turnover ratio with its staffing level and lowers the price as indicated. According to the Business case studies and fortune 500, the key idea which the company makes while adopting the approach is simple and believes in the limited assortment. The store size is small when the competitor's grocery stores are compared (Cravens and Piercy, 2009). The space occupied is 650 square meters to a maximum of 1000 square meters as per the report as an approximate number. The Aldi store has a common layout that interprets the common layout with four shopping aisles. The packaging of the products and as such the dispatch are even an effective means which undertakes the cost-effectiveness strategy that is provided when price and product are compared with the free parking space. The customers are attracted towards special deals and discounts that the company has over its year. The philosophy that consists of the sales volume is again a different approach that leads the grocery store in Australia. The operating profit for branded products are comparatively less, and the company has taken an approach to moreover sell the products to its brand name (Morgan, Vorhie and Mason, 2009). The success key is achieved by the company while Tesco and other stores even have a market position which cannot be dealt with if marketing strategies are not as competitive as it should be in the recent years. Strategic marketing options The strategic marketing options that the company may adopt shortly can be discussed while studying the report and analysing the current strategies that the company applies in the market. The promotional strategies can be initiated, and unique marketing strategies can be adopted by the company which can be in the form of advertisement or promotional measures. When the research about the down period of the company was examined, it stated about the low marketing strategies regarding promotion and place at a very high point (Frosen, et, al., 2013). Certainly, this may fetch a better option with the campaigns and other marketing build confidence connections that attract the customers and targets the audience. Target market and market segmentation are an important measure with the effective campaigns that can be used by the company (Morgan, Slotegraaf and Vorhies, 2009) Conclusion The report examined the marketing concepts, marketing mix and the target market strategies that can be implemented by the company with promotional measures. The blend of product and price strategy are very well acknowledged with intense competition. Aldi has made a significant approach in the competitive world by providing good quality of products at a reduced price. Both cost and product are being an integral concept that helps Aldi to attract its customers. References Cravens, W. David.and Piercy, F. Nigel. (2009). Strategic Marketing, 9th Edition. Singapore: McGraw Hill/ Irwin. Ethiraj, S. K., Kale, P., Krishnan, M. S., and Singh, J. V. (2005). 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W., and Mason, C. H. (2009). Market orientation, marketing capabilities, and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal, 30(8), 909920 Newbert, S. L. (2007). Empirical research on the resource based view of the firm: An assessment and suggestions for future research. Strategic Management Journal, 28(2), 121146. OSullivan, Don.,Abela, V. Andrew., Hutchinson, Mark. (2009). Marketing Performance Measurement and FirmPerformance. European Journal of Marketing, Vol.43, Issue.5/6, p. 843-862 Van den Brink, Douwe., Schroder, Odekerken Gaby., and Pauwels, Pieter. (2006) The Effect of Strategic and Tactical Cause-RelatedMarketing on Consumers' Brand Loyalty. Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol.23, Issue.1, p. 15-25 Zahay.D., and Griffin, A. (2010) Marketing Strategy Selection, Marketing Metrics, and Firm Performance. Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, Vol. 25, Issue, 2, p. 84 93