Thursday, December 26, 2019

Taking a Look at the Civil War - 816 Words

The Civil War Do you how many people died in the Civil War? The answer is 620,000 soldiers died in the civil war according to (,but do you know what caused the Civil War or do you know how many slaves were in the Civil War? The Civil War changed the lives of many people and specifically Americans, it was the first ever Civil War in the U.S., many people lost their lives for the Civil war, and many slaves lives were changed after the civil war. This war would lead up to The Civil Rights Movement. This war was great turning point in American history for the slaves, for it had brought them closer to freedom. This war would change the future of the U.S and many laws and proclamations would be established after this war. The Civil War was the first civil war in the U.S, and it had caused the U.S to split in two separate parts. The Nothern parts of the U.S was The Union and the southern side was the Confederacy Therefore, the Civil War, which was between 1861 and 1865 ( PBS.or g), The Civil War was caused by not just one thing but many other things. One thing was the election of the president Abraham Lincoln, this was one of the many factors of the civil war because the people of the south knew that Abraham Lincoln was a person that was agianst slavery. After this the state of South Carolina separated from the U.S and this was just the biggening, because after this many other states had separated form The U.S. TheShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the American Civil War896 Words   |  4 PagesMany events during the mid-1700-1800s provoked the civil war because of the contradicting ideas between the northern states and the southern states. The conflict between the north and south that led to the civil war includes economic, social, and political events. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Is The Root Of All Evil Essay - 1509 Words

Capitalism is the root of all injustice, a past instructor would remark to me periodically thought out the semester. The past instructor was a woman who was a professor of political science and a supporter of my endeavors in environmental policy, and a feminist. I mention this because it is contrary to the ideas of Dave van Pattern who suggests in his piece that those who study sociology believe men are the root of all evil. Pattern was a political science graduate, and I myself as a political science major understood where his earlier beliefs about men s rights came from and I also applaud his later transition away from the previous notions of masculinity. Furthermore, my feminism was built up by largely female professors in my courses ranging from Environmental Science, Anthropology, Ethics, Political Theory, and now Communication Studies 360. However, I am troubled by the statistics stated within some of the articles and texts such as the Backlash article that presented data of ho w women are not equal and do not have it all. In Roxanne Gay s piece, In truth, feminism is flawed because it is a movement powered by people and people are inherently flawed. The notion of not having it all, troubles me because if people seek to be liberated from oppression but their values and aims are to have it all than the movements for gender equality are not a means in itself but a means to an end. In other words, instrumental value is the goal not intrinsic value which isShow MoreRelatedRacism: The Root Of All Evil1022 Words   |  5 Pagesstrategies do not favor any of the parties; on the contrary they enhance violence against the immigrants. Furthermore, there exists social tension between Americans and Mexicans and even Latin-Americans, which have a direct impact on the economy of all of the corresponding countries. As much as the immigration situation in the U.S. affects the economy of many countries, it directly affects the personal life of many families, not only in the economic aspects, but in the conformation of the familyRead MoreEssay on Racism: The Root of All Evil1375 Words   |  6 Pageswithin our society. For example, in New York City the NYPD stopped 80% of blacks and Latinos and 85% of them were frisked by the officers. When whites were stopped only 8% of them were frisked. (Quigley 2011). Not only are Americans affected, but all around the world – racism constantly rears its ugly head. A global example of racism can be found in South Africa, specifically Capetown, Mitchell’s Plain, and Johannesburg. In these cities and neighboring ones near them, have 3 races that dominateRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms The Root Of All Evil1180 Words   |  5 Pages Are genetically modified organisms the root of all evil in the nutrition of our society? Essentially, not at all, GMOS are modified to enhance the original organism by manipulating the genetic code to produce a different outcome. Genetically modified organisms were developed all the way back to the prehistoric times when people were genetically modifying their food without realizing it . Our ancestors didn’t have an idea what genetics were but they did have an idea of artificial selection or selectiveRead MoreMoney is the Root of All Evil- Monetary Issues Leads to Crime and Deviance929 Words   |  4 PagesMONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Although money is good at times, it is basically the root of all evil. I think it would be better to say that the root of all evil is not money itself but people’s desire for money, which they could use to improve their own status, either greed to increase one’s status, or jealousy over losing in the status game to others. The Bible does not say that money is bad. What it does say is that it is the love of money is the root of all evil. Over time money has shapedRead MoreAnalysis Of Theodore Roethke Root Cellar1208 Words   |  5 PagesIn Theodore Roethke â€Å"Root Cellar†, there is a heavy use of vivid and stylistic imagery. In the first line, the speaker states, Nothing would sleep in that cellar, dank as a ditch. We are given that something is refusing to sleep--that is, to die--and at the same time being dank gets us thinking about things that are â€Å"undead†. In line two, the speaker states, â€Å"Bulbs broke out of boxes hunting for chinks in the dark.† This tells us that things are still growing and they are looking for the lightRead More Essay on Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Evil Exposed in The Pardoners Tale1093 Words   |  5 PagesThe Root of Evil Exposed in The Pardoners Tale    The root of all evil is money.   Because this phrase has been repeated so many times throughout history, one can fail to realize the truth in this timeless statement.   Whether applied to the corrupt clergy of Geoffrey Chaucers time, selling indulgences, or the corrupt televangelists of today, auctioning off salvation to those who can afford it, this truth never seems to lose its validity.   In Chaucers famous work TheRead MoreThere Is A Reason Why God Allows Evil1016 Words   |  5 PagesIn John Hick’s piece â€Å"There is a Reason Why God Allows Evil†, he explains his view on the roots of evil. Hick brings up the problem of an all-loving God that allows evil to occur in the world. The conclusion that arises God must not be all loving then. However, Hick explains that humans free will is the problem that leads to evil. A few strengths that Hick has in his argument is the laws of nature, he mentions that they â€Å"†¦would have to be extremely flexible; sometimes gravity would operate, sometimesRead MoreDisgrace, By David Lurie955 Words   |  4 Pages Evil can be defined as being â€Å"profoundly immoral and wicked† (Oxford Dictionaries, 2017). In my texts, evil is displayed in many forms. In Disgrace, David Lurie s evil is caused by his distorted viewpoints and in The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency, all three cases are as a result of poverty. In The Bell Jar, Esther s evil suicidal attempts are caused by her narcissistic insanity; in The Crow, evil is an offset of Eric s traumatic experience and need for revenge; and in Fargo, evil arises asRead MoreThe Book On Evil By Thomas Aquinas1264 Words   |  6 Pagesthe book â€Å"On Evil†, by Thomas Aquinas, the topic of evil is believed to be a broad subject that cannot be stated in one opinion, but a variety. Aquinas goes on with the idea that evil is not a result of God and cannot be considered as an entity. Aquinas also believes that God, who is perfectly good, is the creator of all things and that God cannot be thought of as causing sin and suffering. In this paper, I will argue against Aquinas’ views on why God is not the cause of evil, why evil is not an ent ityRead More The Illusion of the Good Essay1566 Words   |  7 PagesThe Illusion of the Good ABSTRACT: The question of ethics relates to the good and its contrary, evil. What ethics does with its object is to seek to understand it, that is, not to produce either the concept of the good or the actions that fall under that concept. Thus, the question that follows is: What is the good?, or strictly speaking, what is the definition of the good? But the definition asked for, as any other definition, is necessarily related to the science of language. But language

Monday, December 9, 2019

Marketing and Competitive Environment of University Brand

Question: Discuss about the Marketing and Competitive Environment of University Brand. Answer: Introduction University of New South Wales or UNSW established in 1949 is a leading Australian University focused on professional, technological and scientific disciplines offering an extensive range of research programs, undergraduate and postgraduate courses. With more than 50,000 students UNSW is one of the most cosmopolitan universities in Australia (Portnoi, Bagley, 2014). Market Summary With the increasing competition, Universities are working vigorously on marketing and creating their logos as institutional logos. UNSW has a team of market professional that work on marketing the university amongst the future students. UNSW is regularly making its presence, and appearance noticed in events related to students. It is using social media as a platform to attract students by making use of social media for advertising their university ("Trends in Higher Education Marketing, Recruitment, and Technology," 2014). Marketing and Competitive Environment UNSW: Demand Assessment UNSW is the first preference as a university for the school leavers. In the year 2016, more than 7400 students received an offer to study in UNSW. The students admission average has increased by 4.7% than last year. The UNSW office says that the demand for UNSW has increased by 10% from the last year (Knight, 2016). The University has gained some 500 students who received the top most rating in ATAR. This shows that the demand for UNSW as a preferential university is quite high (Rutter, Lettice, Nadeau, 2016). Segmentation and Target Market Australian Universities are providing an exceptional education to not only the resident students of Australia but students of all over the world. UNSW has also segmented its target market according to the national and national students. UNSW aims to be the Preference University for all the top students, and therefore, its main target market includes students ranking above 95 in ATAR. To attract these students UNSW offer scholarships and accommodation discounts as well as additional bonus points (Bagley, Portnoi, 2014). It provides flexible college hours because these students help in sustaining innovation and bringing a positive change in the society. International students that are mainly targeted by UNSW include the students of countries like Malaysia, China, Singapore, Vietnam, India, and Brazil. Another segment that it is targeting includes adult learners programs to educate such students are introduced in UNSW. The online education is a very big segment of education and UNSW al so has a different section for its online students (Cole, 2015). Marketing Mix Analysis A marketing mix analysis helps to know the methods and tactics that a company uses to promote its brand in the market. The current marketing mix of UNSW is as follows: - Price- Pricing is the factor that makes or breaks the market. UNSW has a very fair pricing strategy for the courses it is offering to the students. It provides all the fair services that are best in class for the fees it charges its student for the educational services it provides to them (Ellis, Loughland, 2016). Promotion- Promotion of a brand is important as it helps to create a market for the product and services. Currently, UNSW is using social media as the main platform to promote its services to the future students. The former students are also acting as a great promotion criteria that help in creating the brand promotion for the university (Gamage, Sciulli, 2016). Place- UNSW is situated in the heart of Australia therefore, known as the most cosmopolitan university of the Australia. The location of the university is in Sydney which is one of the best cities Australia providing numbers of indoor and outdoor activities. The University itself has a state of art infrastructure providing up-to-date facilities and living conditions to its students (Jensen, Webster, 2016). Product- UNSW offers around 900-degree courses to the students to choose from. Being the best in class employers, UNSW employs some great faculty that means goof education standards for the students studying in the University (Portnoi, Bagley, 2014). After conducting the marketing mix analysis of UNSW, it is quite clear that the University is trying to give the best facility at best price to its student. This is the reason that so many school leavers want to get enrolled with UNSW for further studies. PEST Analysis PEST Analysis helps to know how the external factors influence a company. The PEST Analysis of UNSW is conducted here, and it is as follows: - Political- external politics does not have a lot of effect on the university working, but the rules and regulations for the enrolment and transfer of student coming from other countries affect the number of student taking admission. There are certain education rules that universities have to follow (Rutter, Lettice, Nadeau, 2016). Environmental- UNSW is situated in Sydney, Australia where the possibility of natural hazards is quite low. It is an environmentally friendly city, and the university also follows the rules regarding the sustainability of the environment (Janiszewska, Insch, 2012). Social- UNSW is a university that takes students from all over the world. People from different culture and society come here and studies together. For the university management, it is very important that the people and their cultures should be well-respected and followed. UNSW makes sure that no one is treated with a different point of view which creates harmony amongst the students (Yuksel, 2012). Technological- Students of today demand high-quality and updated technologies for their study purpose. UNSW understand the need of the updated technology and regularly update their technological gadgets for the use of the students (Bagley, Portnoi, 2014). Competitors Analysis UNSW is a university that is earning a lot of growth from the extraordinary performance of its students. In the current ranking, its position as compared to it s competitors has improved. It is on the 3rd position which makes it one of the top most universities of Australia. But, in the current education market, all the university are using different marketing techniques to attract the top most students. Hence, by analyzing the current competitors situation, the competition is quite high for UNSW (Cole, 2015). SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis helps an organization to analyze its strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Here the SWOT Analysis of UNSW is conducted and given as follows: - Strengths UNSW has a great brand value UNSW has a reputation of 40 years working in the education field Offers a big range of degrees, specialized courses, and teacher education Staff is very talented and conscientious Its reasonable fee structure (Ellis, Loughland, 2016) Weaknesses The courseware has degraded because of the lack of investment Staff is over-burdened There is lack of documented procedures, policies, and processes (Gamage, Sciulli, 2016) Opportunities Many countries are still there who can be approached for students. Development of cooperative programs can be added Teachers from over-sees can be recruited to welcome more students (Janiszewska, Insch, 2012) Threats Changes in the government policies related to education may impact the flow of international students Currency fluctuations affects the flow of international students Other countries are working on their curriculum and can prove as a threat with the number of students enrolling in the new universities (Jensen, Webster, 2016). Brand Value Positioning Analysis UNSW is a university that is giving great students to the world from last 40 years. Its aim to provide innovation with sustainability has given it a brand name which is being used by the university as its asset. The university has a great brand value because of the patents, studies, and researches it has given to the world. Students from all over the world come on student or holiday visa to become a part of this university. The credits earned by this university are recognizable and acceptable around the world which makes it a preferential choice for students as a university for further studies. Hence, the brand value position of UNSW is quite good amongst the students (Portnoi, Bagley, 2014). Conclusion Today, higher education has become a competition and universities have to work hard to maintain its potion in the market against its competitors. A market and environment analysis are conducted here that showed what is the situation of one of the top most university of Australia UNSW about its competitors. Various analyses like demand assessment, target market, marketing mix analysis, PEST analysis, SWOT analysis, competitors analysis, and brand value positioning of UNSW are conducted here to analyze, its marketing position. After conducting all the analyses it is clear that UNSW has got a good market position about its competitors in Australia. Though there are many areas that can work as a threat for the university, therefore it is important that the university work on improving them. Hence, it is clear that with a bit of improvement UNSW is a good university for the students to enroll and work on their bright future. References Australian Universities and Rankings | Competitive Careers. (2017) Retrieved 1 April 2017, from Bagley, S., Portnoi, L. (2014). Setting the Stage: Global Competition in Higher Education.New Directions For Higher Education,2014(168), 5-11. Cole, G. (2015). Executive summary of Effects of pronoun brand name perspective and positioning on brand attitude.Journal Of Product Brand Management,24(2). Ellis, N., Loughland, T. (2016). The Challenges of Practitioner Research: A Comparative Study of Singapore and NSW.The Australian Journal Of Teacher Education,41(2), 122-136. Gamage, P., Sciulli, N. (2016). Sustainability Reporting by Australian Universities.Australian Journal Of Public Administration. Janiszewska, K., Insch, A. (2012). The Strategic Importance of Brand Positioning in the Place Brand Concept Elements, Structure and Application of the Positioning Statement.Journal of international studies Jensen, P., Webster, E. (2016). Funding Research in Universities: The Watt Report 2015.Australian Economic Review,49(2), 184-191. Knight, D. (2016).UNSW increases offers for study in 2016.UNSW Newsroom. Retrieved 1 April 2017, from Portnoi, L., Bagley, S. (2014). A Critical Analysis of Global Competition in Higher Education: Synthesizing Themes.New Directions For Higher Education,2014(168), 97-100. Rutter, R., Lettice, F., Nadeau, J. (2016). Brand personality in higher education: anthropomorphized university marketing communications.Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education, 1-21. Trends in Higher Education Marketing, Recruitment, and Technology. (2014).Hanover Research. Retrieved from Yuksel, I. (2012). Developing a Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model for PESTEL Analysis.International Journal Of Business And Management,7(24).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Marketing and Furniture free essay sample

Haverwood Furniture, Inc. Opportunity- Charlton Bates as president of the Haverwood Furniture, Inc. was introduced to a promotional budget proposal by Mike Hervey and Bernham leaders of their advertising program for 2008. The proposal suggested that the company increase the advertising expenditures by 225,000 and place that entire amount into the consumer advertising program for ads in several shelter magazines. The advertising program believes that due to the baby boomers affect (baby boomers represent 47% of the U.S households) as consumers’ age they will become more home oriented and replace old cheaper furniture with new more expensive furniture. The advertising program believes that more money spent on advertising will positively affect brand image, brand awareness, etc. Besides increasing the advertising budget, John Bott the president of sales believes that adding another sales representative is necessary because the company is expecting 50 new accountants of service, all together adding more money to the promotional budget. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing and Furniture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Causes-The household furniture industry estimated 31 billion dollars in manufacturer prices in 2007 and dollar sales are expected to grow by 4% percent in 2008. The estimated price for furniture was accumulated by three different categories of furniture: upholstered, wood, and assembled furniture. According to Kerin and Peterson, each category represented a percentage of the total household sales, upholstered represent 50%, wood 40%, and all other forms 10%; the bedroom and dining room furniture accounted for majority of the sales. The manufacturers for wood in recent years have increased their emphasis on quality and in 2007 the wood industry grew by 2. 5%. Other causes to consider is that 1% of U. S household’s disposable income is spent for household furniture and home furnishings and manufacturers of household furniture spend approximately 3. 5% of annual net sales for advertising of all types. The advertising that is spent for consumers, majority are in shelter magazines. The promotional proposal by the advertising agency at Haverwood Furniture, Inc. wants to increase the budget because of the indicating factors listed above.And as mentioned, Haverwood Furniture, Inc. is a specialty furniture manufacturer that targets upscale shoppers and 58% of the shoppers get their ideas from the gallery store and 45% buy from the gallery store. The gallery concept is dedicating a small part of retail space in a store to Haverwood’s Furniture, Inc. These concepts eliminate competitors and add more focus on product. Recommended Solution- Haverwood Furniture, Inc. marketing leadership team wants to increase the consumer advertising expenditures by 225,000. The company feels by spending more cash on advertising flourishes their brand.In 2007, total industry sales for furniture manufacturers was 31 billion dollars and is expected to increase by 4% in 2008. The increase in advertising will go more to the shelter magazines which issues surveys on different elements of furniture purchases; some surveys evaluate factors when buying furniture, other surveys question what is important in buying furniture. Through research Haverwood Furniture, Inc. understands the importance of age in which consumers in each age group are buying furniture, like 47% of the baby boomers era make up all U. S households. Today the baby boomers would be the 25 and older age group. When examining Exhibit 4 on page 298 of the â€Å"Strategic Marketing† textbook, ages 25-64 are spending $500 plus on furniture. Charlton Bates through research understands by the numbers that galleries and upscale furniture and department stores serve their targeted customer; the 40-59 year old homeowners with an annual income over 100,000 (U. S Department of Labor, U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2007). Alternative solutions- The alternative solution would be to not use all of the 225,000 for consumer advertising and use 135,000 to hire another sales representative.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anne Frank Essay Example

Anne Frank Essay Example Anne Frank Essay Anne Frank Essay The session that I attended at The Anne Frank Project on September 11, 2009 was Beyond the Diary: Behind the scenes of a Jewish Family in Hiding with Sophia Veffer. Even though I learned some things about the Holocaust during middle school, there still were things that I did not know. The reason why I attended this session is because I wanted to know how some of the Jews were able to survive the Holocaust and I also wanted to know what Sophia’s experience was like actually being a child during the Holocaust. This session connected to the overall theme of the conference because Sophia talked about what she and Anne Frank both had to go through and how some people in different countries still go through similar situations. Today there are still people who get treated differently because of what they look lie or where they come from. Sophia said that if Anne Frank were still alive she would probably try to make a difference by putting an end to these genocides. I was very glad that I got a chance to sit in Sophia’s session because I got to learn about the Holocaust from an actual survivor. She told us how her and her family had eleven different hiding places. I couldn’t even imagine what her childhood must have been like. She had to get rid of everything she owned even her identity. She also talked about how some Jews were not able to go in hiding and the reason was is they had to have money. The only families that went into hiding had money and they knew non Jewish people who would let them hide in their homes. One thing that really upset me is when Sophia said that the Germens pretended as if they did not know what was going on with the Jews. This really made me sad because how could you know that someone is doing wrong and not care to try to change it and make a difference? There are many different issues going on in the world today. One global issue that is of concern to me is homelessness. Every time I see a person out on the street I always think to myself their shoes can fit my feet. I do not mind helping others because after I do a good deed I always feel really good about myself and nothing can take that feeling away. This issue inspires me to try 2 make a small difference by giving them change or bringing them food. One day when me and my sister were driving up the street we saw sum homeless people and their sign said that they were hungry so we went to Mcdonalds and brought them sum burgers. Making a difference starts with a small deed then before you know it your changing the world.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Geography, Climate and Species of Earths Arctic Region

Geography, Climate and Species of Earth's Arctic Region The Arctic is the Earth region that lies between 66.5Â °N and the North Pole. In addition to being defined as 66.5Â °N of the equator, the specific border of the Arctic region is defined as the area in which average July temperatures follow the 50Â °F (10Â °C) isotherm (map). Geographically, the Arctic spans the Arctic Ocean and covers land areas in parts of Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States (Alaska). Geography and Climate of the Arctic The majority of the Arctic is composed of the Arctic Ocean which was formed when the Eurasian Plate moved toward the Pacific Plate thousands of years ago. Although this ocean makes up the majority of the Arctic region, it is the worlds smallest ocean. It reaches depths of 3,200 feet (969 m) and is connected to the Atlantic and the Pacific via several straits and seasonal waterways such as the Northwest Passage (between the U.S. and Canada) and the Northern Sea Route (between Norway and Russia). Since the majority of the Arctic is the Arctic Ocean along with straits and bays, much of the Arctic region is composed of a drifting ice pack which can be up to nine feet (three meters) thick during winter. In the summer, this ice pack is replaced mainly by open water that is often dotted with icebergs that formed when ice broke from land glaciers and/or chunks of ice that have broken away from the ice pack. The Arctic regions climate is very cold and harsh for most of the year due to the Earths axial tilt. Because of this, the region never receives direct sunlight, but instead gets rays indirectly and thus gets less solar radiation. In the winter, the Arctic region has 24 hours of darkness because the high latitudes such as the Arctic are turned away from the sun at this time of year. By contrast in the summer, the region receives 24 hours of sunlight because the Earth is tilted toward the sun. However because the suns rays are not direct, summers are also mild to cool in most parts of the Arctic. Because the Arctic is covered with snow and ice for much of the year, it also has high albedo or reflectivity and thus reflects solar radiation back into space. Temperatures are also milder in the Arctic than in Antarctica because the presence of the Arctic Ocean helps moderate them. Some of the lowest recorded temperatures in the Arctic were recorded in Siberia around -58Â °F (-50Â °C). The average Arctic temperature in the summer is 50Â °F (10Â °C) although in some places, temperatures can reach 86Â °F (30Â °C) for short periods. Plants and Animals of the Arctic Since the Arctic has such a harsh climate and permafrost is prevalent in the Arctic region, it mainly consists of treeless tundra with plant species such as lichen and mosses. In the spring and summer, low-growing plants are also common. Low growing plants, lichen and moss are most common because they have shallow roots which are not blocked by the frozen ground and since they do not grow into the air, they are less prone to damage by high winds. The animal species present in the Arctic varies based on the season. In the summer, there are many different whale, seal and fish species in the Arctic Ocean and the waterways surrounding it and on land there are species such as wolves, bears, caribou, reindeer and many different types of birds. In the winter however, many of these species migrate south to warmer climates. Humans in the Arctic Humans have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. These were mainly groups of indigenous peoples such as the Inuit in Canada, the Saami in Scandinavia and the Nanets and Yakuts in Russia. In terms of modern inhabitation, many of these groups are still present as are territorial claims by the aforementioned nations with lands in the Arctic region. In addition, the nations with territories bordering the Arctic Ocean also have maritime exclusive economic zone rights. Because the Arctic is not conducive to agriculture due to its harsh climate and permafrost, the historic indigenous inhabitants survived by hunting and gathering their food. In many locations, this is still the case for the surviving groups today. For example, Canadas Inuit survive by hunting animals such as seals on the coast during the winter and caribou inland during the summer. Despite its sparse population and harsh climate, the Arctic region is important to the world today because it has significant amounts of natural resources. Thus, this is why many nations are concerned with having territorial claims in the region and in the Arctic Ocean. Some the major natural resources in the Arctic include petroleum, minerals and fishing. Tourism is also beginning to grow in the region and scientific exploration is a growing field both on land in the Arctic and in the Arctic Ocean. Climate Change and the Arctic In recent years, it has become known that the Arctic region is extremely susceptible to climate change and global warming. Many scientific climate models also predict larger amounts of climate warming in the Arctic than on the rest of the Earth, which has raised concerns about shrinking ice packs and melting glaciers in places like Alaska and Greenland. It is believed that the Arctic is susceptible mainly because of feedback loops- high albedo reflects solar radiation, but as sea ice and glaciers melt, the darker ocean water begins to absorb, instead of reflect, solar radiation, which further increases temperatures. Most climate models show near to complete loss of sea ice in the Arctic in September (the warmest time of year) by 2040. Problems related to global warming and climate change in the Arctic include loss of habitat critical habitat for many species, rising sea levels for the world if sea ice and glaciers melt and a release of methane stored in permafrost, which could exacerbate climate change. References National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. (n.d.) NOAA Arctic Theme Page: A Comprehensive Resrouce. Retrieved from: Wikipedia. (2010, April 22). Arctic - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fashion and technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fashion and technology - Essay Example The essay "Fashion and technology" analyzes the examples of design that integrate fashion and technology. This essay also talks about the ideas about the body-machine, the cyborg body etc. Since the evolution of the fabric design, cloth fashions have evolved remarkably in accordance with the changing human behaviours and needs. During the ancient times, clothing was not a prime concern for human beings, and materials such as animal skin were used to cover the human body. The advent of the fabric revolution saw the introduction of well designed suits and fabrics. These suits and fabrics were made from exotic materials in order to offer protection from the adverse environmental conditions. Today, man has shown his ingenious capability by engineering clothing designs and fashions that no one could have ever thought of during the fabric evolution. The modern technology has become the principal driving force for all the advancements in the fashion industry. Science is playing a key role i n the fashion industry, and it has brought about the introduction of novel materials that have changed the quality and adaptability of fabrics in the fashion industry. These materials that have so far assumed the name of smart materials allow fashion designers to come up with the so-called bright fabrics within the fashion industry. High-end technology such as atomic force microscopy and polymeric nanofibres are currently applied in designing, manufacturing and quality assessment of emerging fabrics.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

(See the information which I have uploaded) Essay

(See the information which I have uploaded) - Essay Example A firm must bring about certain efforts which are geared up to make it sound, look and eventually feel different from the rest of the lot and in the long run, have a selling proposition in it and in its products that help it in winning the customers time and time again. It is significant to understand that having the most sought after employees and workers in the market is necessary since they will give the most productivity in the toughest times possible. (Cappelli, 1999) From a truly organizational standpoint, the current needs in the training regimes require the employees to get themselves acquainted with the ever changing role of Information Technology and the like within the business quarters as well as learn for their own betterment the different mechanisms through which they can make use of the business processes and management activities in a steady and quick manner. (Egan, 2001) They need to align themselves with the advanced technological applications and that too in a quick way because the corporate world of present times is on the move. The training needs are required within any organization since the same would ensure that all the employees understand what they are doing and there are as such no hiccups in the office place so to speak. It is a fact that the workers must know what the end goal for the business is like and on what parameters success is measured as far as the top management of the organization is concerned. There must be uni son in their working mechanisms so that they are all on the same wavelength no matter how trying or tough the circumstances turn out to be. (Varey, 2001) Service marketing and management has remained the key for a long time, especially within the contexts where the same offers a creative edge over other service organizations – the competitors in essence. From an office standpoint, there are certain instances when it is best to choose different people for the various jobs that are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Goals Essay Example for Free

Goals Essay I have always believed to set a goal, focused on it, achieve the goal and then again set another goal to achieve that. With the work experience of two years that has imparted the basic skills and knowledge of the professional field; I would like to put my next step to achieve my goal by pursuing Master degree in Management Information System. Information technology is a further step to mankind. After completing my under graduate study in Computer Engineering, I worked in a software company where I got chance to hone my mind in the information management field. Working as a software engineer mainly in the database field for the two projects in the Inland Revenue Department and Nepal Telecom, my main assignments were to handle the information in a systematic and secure way. I was part of the software team from the preliminary investigation of the software development to the final review. And here where I knew the importance of the data and data turned information. My working environment is also one of the motivating factors that pushed me towards obtaining a degree in Information System. During my under graduate studies, I with my three friends undertook projects in library management system and Regional Information Provider (A project on Geographical Information System), both focusing on how we can collect the data, how we can process them and how we can get the result. Our project paper proposes the two major factors in the field of management and information system: First, how we can formulate the data. And, secondly, how we can get the secure information and store the information. The Library Management System was a project which demonstrated about the items (mainly books) owned by the library, availability of the items and information of the students who have borrowed the items. Similarly, Regional Information Provider was my major project which visualizes the concept of Geographical Information System. It was built using the Arc View 3. 0 software. It demonstrated the capital of Nepal, Kathmandu city. All the information about the rivers, colleges, schools, hospitals, market place, bus stops, roads etc. of the city was driven by the project in a systematic and efficient way. I took data mining and data warehousing and Internet/Intranet in my undergraduate studies and they were the stirring factor for me to do my projects in information system. From the last decades, the capabilities of both generation and collection of data has been increasing in great pace. The main factors include the computerization in all the sectors such as business, science, government and management. In addition to these, the World Wide Web which is a global information system has loaded us with a tremendous amount of data and information. The present scenario of online banking transactions is a good example of the need of secure and convenient information system. This explosive growth in stored data has generated an urgent need for new techniques and tools that can intelligently assist us in the management of data and information. So, defining new methods and utilizing the present tools of managing information system in a more efficient way could be a flourishing frontier in the information field for the days ahead. Beside we should not forget: The need is great in the future. The present world is surrounded by the data and information field. On one hand, these data present the potential for us to discover useful information and knowledge not seen before. On the other hand, we are limited in our ability to manually process large amounts of data to discover useful information and knowledge. So, the need of better tools and application as well as the reliable methods of utilizing the data and information is the eminent necessity of not only today’s world but the future also. The real-time processing and analysis of various data and information should be realized. There should be a constant evaluation of the system indicating relatively strong work handling capacity and expansion capacity; useful for optimization, reduction of management risks, and improvement of information efficiency. Through my academic and professional experiences, I have found that, in order to further increase myself as an asset to the information industry, I need to pursue course work in management information system that examines the fundamental principles of information systems and security, which I have discovered fits well with the research interests of outstanding faculty members in the area at University *Name*. Beside I have set up my mind to have a doctorate degree in Information Technology and I will be glad to join the PhD program in Information Technology in the university (if the university has the program) after the completion of my master degree. The University has a worldwide reputation, and commands great respect in my homeland of Nepal. As my understanding the university provides a supportive environment for opportunities in research. Through my academic career as well as my professional work, you can clearly see my passion and dedication to everything that I will undertake. I am confident that I will develop invaluable research skills while having the privilege of interaction with accessible professors and intellectually-gifted colleagues. I have a strong belief that one of the most important elements in pursuing a successful academic career is to have a good mentor who can closely guide you academically, and as a person, as well. I have achieved every success through strong willpower and persistence. I believe that life is a long journey and my present application for the University, arguably the best university in the world, is my new attempt to scale new heights. In order to develop software by a computer/software engineer he/she has to know about processing data in an accurate and systematic way. And I know the Master degree in Management Information System provides the kind of exposure needed to broaden my thinking and undo my insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Epic of Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

BEOWULF   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A hero is a person is a person distinguished for valor, fortitude, or bold enterprise. A hero is a person that will do anything to protect the innocent. Beowulf fits the description of a hero. Beowulf is a hero to his people and his men. Beowulf is brave and courageous and does what it takes to protect his people from danger. He goes off to other lands to help others; he slays a dragon to keep his people safe. Beowulf is considered almost a god but is actual made of the same things everyone is made up off just that he makes the most of it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beowulf first proves that he is a hero when he hears that there is a monster killing and tormenting the men of Denmark and with this news decides he will go and help these men. Beowulf does not hesitate to think if he should go or not but just gathers his men and leaves. Beowulf gets to Denmark and sees this monster and kills him effortlessly proving that he is strong and courageous. Beowulf is the only person that can even stay alive for longer than a few moments while with the monster. Beowulf is so strong that the monster does not even believe it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Beowulf perceived his evil plan, sat up and stayed   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Grendel’s outstretched arm. Instantly that monster,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  hardened by crime, realized that never had he met any   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   man in the regions of earth, in the whole world, with so   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  strong a grip.† The author says that Beowulf’s strength is greater than that of any other man in the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Beowulf defeats the monster, Grendel, he is faced with another monster. Beowulf instead of just leaving decides to stay and destroy the new monster. Beowulf proves that not only is he strong but he is loyal and destroys the other monster. In the following passage the author describes how Beowulf does not hesitate to go after Grendel’s mother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Let us lose no time but track down Grendel’s   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  kinswoman. I promise you that wherever she turns   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   to honeycomb caves, to mountain woods, to the bottom   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of the lake she shall find no refuge.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beowulf is very respectful to others. Beowulf, with gold and treasures given to him by the king for killing the monsters, give it to others including his men. When Beowulf arrives home he gives the king some of the treasures and gold to show that he respects him and honors him by doing so.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Armenian Genocide

Armenian Genocide Power is a five letter word that continues to exist since the time of creation up until now. It has stirred human emotions from exultations to greed. To be above and be of great power over something or someone is a part of human nature. Power has seen the acquisition of great wealth, the growth of empires, the birth of nations and heroes. But the search for power has also been the biggest downfall of men. A great example is the Mass Murder of the Ottoman Empire, also known as the Armenian Genocide. It commenced during and Just after World War 1 and it is one of the most rutal and excruciating mass murders in history.To this day, Turks still continue to deny that this event ever occurred, but the destruction of the Armenians exhibits and illustrates various examples of the word â€Å"genocide†: The deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group (Wikipedia) The massacre in the Ottoman Empire during 1914-1918 is considered Genocide because the Turks displayed great examples of Denial, Classification and Extermination, which are three of the eight stages of genocide. The Armenian genocide could have been prevented with the help of all the allied countries and German officials.A political group made up of young Turks, the committee of union and progress [CUP], made a secret document which they called â€Å"The Ten Commandments†. The Ten Commandments are basically blue prints for the planned mass murder of the Armenians (notes). Explaining the contents of this document a cover note was written by British officials and it said, â€Å"My informant declares that messengers were sent to the different [governors] in the provinces with instructions o read these orders to them and then return the originals which were to be destroyed† (Crimes Against Humanity 73).The secrecy from the beginning is already an attempt to sow the seed of denial. For further proof that these doc uments were classified, the tenth commandment of the committee of union and progress stated, â€Å"Pay attention to the strictly confidential nature of these instructions, which may not go beyond two or three persons† (Crimes Against Humanity 74). Perpetrators found a way to use language to make it sound acceptable to slaughter Armenians and blame hem for their own sufferings (notes). The play of words can not Justify that those who suffered are the ones at fault.The Turkish government sent billions of dollars supporting congress (notes). ln the beginning of the Armenian Genocide film; the narrator said â€Å"Until this day, Turks still deny that the Armenian Genocide ever happened† (â€Å"Armenian Genocide film†). One saying goes â€Å"where there is smoke, there is fire†. The stench of death is too great to deny. How can one explain the disappearance of a generation, a community, a family? The Turks segregated the Armenians for their suffering and from other countries and also put them into prison.According to the reading, â€Å"At the end of July 191 5, the government began to deport the Armenians of Anatolia and Cilicia, transferring the population from regions which were far distant from the front and where the presence of Armenians could not be regarded as a threat to the Turkish army† (Crimes Against Humanity 85) Armenians were being classified; this is a great example of power at play. Separation was deemed necessary to gather the weak so hat they can easily be crushed by the strong.Turks first targeted to execute the â€Å"Intelligentsia†, the formally educated people which consisted of writers, politicians, poets, doctors, lawyers and etc. (Crimes Against Humanity 84). To get rid of the strong, reliable men, all of them that were 18 and older were shot (note). The Intelligentsia group and men were the first ones killed because they had knowledge and authority; enough knowledge to start revolt and rebellion. A systematic plan was necessary to make sure that the Armenians had no way of getting back their dignity nd their freedom through knowledgeable actions.Women and children were raped and dehumanized (notes). By the end of 1916, more than half of the populations of the Armenians were slaughtered (Crimes Against Humanity 86). This proves that the Armenian genocide happened because genocide means killing of a certain race or tribe. It is proven that some people did try to prevent more genocide against the Armenians. US missionaries, Turkish officials and friends did try to save some Armenians. (Crimes Against Humanity 85). All these actions were simply not enough r were too late for millions of lives were still lost.If only the world was vigilant to the beginning signs of oppression, there will be no such word as â€Å"genocide†. To quote the German Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau â€Å"l shall do nothing whatever for the Armenians† (Crimes Against Humanity 121). Wanting to ma ke a difference Wolff- Matternich tried to do something, but he got shut down and said, â€Å"In order to achieve any success in the Armenian question, we will have to inspire fear in the Turkish government regarding the consequences† (Crimes Against Humanity 121).The differences in opinions overseas did not help in the prevention of the annihilation of the Armenians. While they are debating as to what actions and side to take, the sufferings of the Armenians confounded. One decisive move in the name of what is right and what is Just could have prevented everything. The big question to ask is: WHY? As the Turks continue to deny, the answer to this question will continue to evade history. In conclusion, people should consider everything that the poor Armenians have gone through as genocide.Think about the istory of a whole family, lost. The future of children one will never get to see and a whole country forever mourning for a generation buried in silence. Even if it happened over one hundred years ago, and Justifications after Justifications were made, the terminology â€Å"genocide† is Just but a word to give meaning to a terrifying event. But in simple terms, it is a mass murder of dumbfounding proportions. Many countries and powerful people could have helped and intervened, but they did not.Human actions matter because the burden of guilt is not carried only by the erpetrator, but also of a silent witness to a horrible crime. We are all a product of our past. If one does not acknowledge their past, and learn from its lessons, then the future will be one bleak horizon of uncertainty. An event such as the Armenian genocide should not remain as Just a story to tell from generation to generation. The whole purpose of retelling their story is to touch the core of human sensitivity over and over. To remind each and everyone to value one human life as a million human lives lost for nothing.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Cultural and Linguistic Differences in African and Puerto Rican Studies Essay

Academic failure in the United States is common among African-American and Latino. Cultural diversity and linguistic differences are among the causes. In order to solve this, teachers must be knowledgeable about the effect of culture on the behavior, learning styles, and preferred teaching styles of the students in a multicultural classroom and use the differences for growth and development of the students. In multicultural classrooms, teachers must be aware of the needs of their students inside or outside of class. A teacher should not make inappropriate assumptions or judgment as the students may get estranged from one another and to the teacher. Students who grew up in different learning system respond and treat teachers differently and to avoid cultural clash and miscommunication, the teacher should be open to the students. Language difference is also an important issue that should be addressed. Teachers must not assume all the time that a â€Å"Latino-looking† student knows Latino culture. Bringing up a Latino culture in class can also be embarrassing. It should not also be assumed that there are culture hierarchies as written in many textbooks such that Caucasian culture is somehow superior to other cultures (Fish 2008). African-American students, like the Latinos, have a high record of academic failure due to teachers’ differential attitudes towards African-Americans and diverse cultural ineptness. Every seven seconds of a school day, one African-American gets suspended; while in every forty-nine seconds, one African-American student drops out of school. In order to develop the education of African-Americans, education programs should improve the knowledge of teachers and administrators about the African-American culture, its impact on behavior and learning styles of the students. It is important to avoid biases because it may affect the interaction of the teacher towards the students. A teacher must be able to recognize cultural differences among students and treat it with respect; intervene when a Black student’s culture or language is being ridiculed; recognize their biases and experiences; do not allow students to segregate by culture, develop student’s appreciation to other culture; demand a single level of excellence to all students; do not judge students based on previous mistakes and accept that there are also language differences among Blacks (Keller 2005). The educational conditions of Latinos, like African-Americans, should be addressed. The number of Latinos who finished secondary education is way behind the White population. In 2003, only 48. 7% of Mexicans, 51. 7% of Dominican-origin, 63. 3% Puerto Ricans, and 68. 7% of Cubans have finished high school among 25 years and older. Among White students, the rate of high school completion is 84%. The statistics results are attributed to the historical educational condition of the Latinos in the United States where there is a continuous struggle in preserving the Latino culture and the Spanish language in the face of ‘Americanization’. Their education has been attached to the word ‘immigrant’ even though the majority of Latinos are born in the United States (Velez 2008). The number of Latino students has increased in from 6% in 1973 to 12% in 1993. Their performance in elementary and secondary education is significantly lower than the Anglo students. In reading at age 13 years, Latinos are two years below the Anglos; while in science, a 13-year-old Latino is equivalent to a 9-year-old Anglo. In 1991, the dropout rate of Latino students age 16-24 was very high with approximately 35. 3% compared to 13. 6% of African-American and 8. 9% of Anglo students. The dropout rate of Latino students was 2 ? times higher than the African-American students even though they have similar academic performance and socioeconomic status. This trend was observed since the 1980s especially among Latinos born outside the country. The dropout rate however of U. S. -born Latinos (24%) was more than twice higher than African-Americans. The major causes of low academic performance are low socioeconomic status and language. Many Latino children came from poor families whose parents are likely to have limited education and have difficulty in comprehending with English language. Students with limited English proficiency perform lower than those with full English proficiency. Among the 2. 3 million students with limited English proficiency, 75% are Spanish-speaking (Slavin and Calderon 2000). The problem of choosing the right language for instruction cannot be solved through bilingual programs and English immersion programs which abruptly shift to English-only instruction. However, Spanish-speaking students with limited English proficiency taught to transition to English from reading Spanish become better readers than students who are taught to read in English only. The focus of bilingual programs should be the quality of instruction in Spanish. If students fail in Spanish, they won’t succeed in English; but, according from research, students who are successful in Spanish will be successful in English as well (Slavin and Calderon 2000). The academic slowdown of the Latinos due to inappropriate teaching methods is not acknowledged by many educators. They believed that the educational methods they are employing are enough and the problem relies on the students, students who do not go to school regularly and students who have ‘special’ needs. The advanced academic strategies are not efficient if the educators will continue to perceive that students from different race with different language are ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘culturally inferior’. The model ‘social pathology’ or cultural deprivation is used to identify the academic failure of the Latinos, but it is inefficient and deficient-based. The same model has branded Latino students as ‘mentally retarded’, ‘linguistically handicapped’, ‘culturally and linguistically deprived’, ‘semi-lingual’, and ‘at risk’. Unfortunately, this model has influenced the educators and bilingual teachers to prefer Anglo students and lighter-skinned Latino students, and perceived working-class parents negatively than middle-class parents (Trueba and Bartolome 1997). There are researches which offer alternative models to explain the academic failure of the Latinos and other minority students still classify these students as in need of ‘specialized’ modes of instruction. However, these alternative models are still inefficient for the Latinos. The teachers’ mastery of promising instructional programs for culturally and linguistically different students is not a solution. Educators must consider a critical assessment of learning environments in political contexts and not rely on invalid assumptions (Trueba and Bartolome 1997). Puerto Ricans, just like the other Latinos, have experienced many problems in U. S. schools; but these problems are identified based from their backgrounds, culture family, language, and social class. In 1935, Puerto Rican students were classified as ‘slow learners’ according from the report from the New York City Chamber of Commerce. The results were based from the intelligences tests administered to 240 Puerto Rican children. Latino communities including Vito Marcantonio, an Italian-American politician, were dismayed by the discriminating result. Marcantonio argued that the tests did not recognized other considerable factors such as social, economic, linguistic, and environmental factors faced by the Puerto Rican children. The movement towards promoting the Puerto Ricans was continuous and slow-paced. Several researches were made addressing the educational issues of Puerto Ricans such as The Puerto Rican Study, The First Citywide Conference of the Puerto Rican, and The Losers. The status of Puerto Rican students was given more emphasis. It was found that there was a high rate of dropout. Low attendance rates, and poor academic achievement. The teachers and administrators were discovered to be uniformed unsympathetic to the situation of Puerto Rican students (Nieto 2000). Although there is continuous struggle in changing the curriculum for the Puerto Ricans, the educational system and teaching methods have not adjusted. In an ethnographic research by Eugene Bucchioni, there were still ‘assimilationist pressures’ in the teaching methods and curriculum content. There was a continuous discrimination to Spanish-speaking students and to a definition of nutritious diet where there were no Puerto Rican foods included (Nieto 2000). In the research The Puerto Rican Study, significant recommendations were listed in order to meet the needs of Puerto Rican children such as formulation of policy for the assessment of non-English speaking students; recognize English as a second language only; invest on improving instructional programs for non-English speaking pupils; and others. One of the best solutions for academic failure of Latino students (Cordasco 1978). On of the best programs for Latino students and other minority students is perhaps to reform the entire school, including the curriculum, instruction, and evaluation. A curriculum by Slavin and Calderon (2000), Success for All, integrates innovative curricula and instructional methods in reading, writing, and language arts for elementary education. There is one-to-one tutoring for students with reading difficulties, family support services, assessment program for students’ progress, instructional strategies appropriate for Spanish language and Latino culture, use of Spanish novels, cooperative learning activities to help transition from English to Spanish reading, and others (Slavin and Calderon 2000). Nowadays, maintaining a multicultural classroom is an increasing priority for educators which involves restructuring the classroom evaluation and punishment techniques and opening up for cultural differences (Fish 2008). The population of Latinos in the United States is increasing and their needs should be addresses. The educational success of Latinos together with African-Americans is significant on the country’s economy and technological future because of the large population. The strengths of these populations can be the strength of the country as well (Trueba and Bartolome 1997). Works Cited Cordasco, F. (1978). Bilingual Education in New York City: A Compendium of Reports, Ayer Publishing. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http://books. google. com/books? id=cyJxZ76vxM4C&hl=tl Fish, L. (2008). â€Å"Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom. † Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http://www. edchange. org/multicultural/papers/buildingblocks. html. Keller, E. (2005). â€Å"Strategies for Teaching Science to African American Students. † Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http://www. as. wvu. edu/~equity/african. html#sect1. Nieto, S. (2000). Puerto Rican Students in U. S. Schools, Lawrence Erlabaum Associates. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, from http://books. google. com. ph/books? id=ZoSpQQ-sevAC Slavin, R. E. and M. Calderon (2000). Effective Programs for Latino Students, Lawrence Erlabum Associates. Retrieved 13 may, 2008, http://books. google. com/books? id=tEnSx4o_NXsC&hl=tl Trueba, E. T. and L. I. Bartolome. (1997). â€Å"The Education of Latino Students: Is School Reform Enough? † Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http://www. ericdigests. org/1998 1/latino. htm. Velez, W. (2008). â€Å"The Educational Experiences of Latinos in the United States. † Retrieved 13 May, 2008, from http://www. springerlink. com/content/h8632636146060t3/.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ice and the Density of Water

Ice and the Density of Water Why does ice float on top of water rather than sink, like most solids? There are two parts to the answer to this question. First, lets take a look at why anything floats. Then, lets examine why ice floats on top of liquid water, instead of sinking to the bottom. Why Ice Floats A substance floats if it is less dense, or has less mass per unit volume, than other components in a mixture. For example, if you toss a handful of rocks into a bucket of water, the rocks, which are dense compared to the water, will sink. The water, which is less dense than the rocks, will float. Basically, the rocks push the water out of the way or displace it. For an object to be able to float, it has to displace a weight of fluid equal to its own weight. Water reaches its maximum density at 4 C (40 F). As it cools further and freezes into ice, it actually becomes less dense. On the other hand, most substances are most dense in their solid (frozen) state than in their liquid state. Water is different because of hydrogen bonding. AÂ  water molecule is made from one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms strongly joined to each other with covalent bonds. Water molecules are also attracted to each other by weaker chemical bonds (hydrogen bonds) between the positively-charged hydrogen atoms and the negatively charged oxygen atoms of neighboring water molecules. As the water cools below 4Â  C, the hydrogen bonds adjust to hold the negatively charged oxygen atoms apart. This produces a crystal lattice, which is commonly known as ice. Ice floats because it is about 9% less dense than liquid water. In other words, ice takes up about 9% more space than water, so a liter of ice weighs less than liter water. The heavier water displaces the lighter ice, so ice floats to the top. One consequence of this is that lakes and rivers freeze from top to bottom, allowing fish to survive even when the surface of a lake has frozen over. If ice sank, the water would be displaced to the top and exposed to the colder temperature, forcing rivers and lakes to fill with ice and freeze solid. Heavy Water Ice Sinks However, not all water ice floats on regular water. Ice made using heavy water, which contains the hydrogen isotope deuterium, sinks in regular water. Hydrogen bonding still occurs, but its not enough to offset the mass difference between normal and heavy water. Heavy water ice sinks in heavy water.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How John McAdam Changed Roads Forever

How John McAdam Changed Roads Forever John Loudon McAdam was a Scottish engineer who modernized the way we build roads. Early Life McAdam was born in Scotland in 1756 but moved  to New York in 1790 to make his fortune. Arriving at the dawn of the Revolutionary War, he began working in his uncle’s business and became a successful merchant and prize agent (in essence, a fence who takes a cut from selling off the spoils of war).   Returning to Scotland, he purchased his own estate and soon became involved in the maintenance and governance of Ayrshire, becoming a road trustee there. Builder of Roads At the time, roads were either dirt paths susceptible to rain and mud, or very expensive stone affairs that frequently broke down not long after whatever event precipitated their construction.   McAdam was convinced that massive stone slabs would not be needed to carry the weight of passing carriages, as long as the road was kept dry. McAdam came up with the idea of raising roadbeds to ensure adequate drainage. He then designed these roadbeds using broken stones laid in symmetrical, tight patterns and covered with small stones to create a hard surface. McAdam discovered that the best stone or gravel for road surfacing had to be broken or crushed, and then graded to a constant size of chippings. McAdams design, called MacAdam roads and then simply â€Å"macadam roads,† represented a revolutionary advancement in road construction at the time. The water-bound macadam roads were the forerunners of the tar- and bitumen-based binding that was to become tarmacadam. The word tarmacadam was shortened to the now-familiar name: tarmac. The first tarmac road to be laid was in Paris in 1854, a precursor to todays asphalt roads. By making roads both significantly cheaper and more durable, MacAdam triggered an explosion in municipal connective tissue, with roads sprawling out across the countryside. Fittingly for an inventor who made his fortune in the Revolutionary War- and whose life’s work united so many- one of the earliest macadam roads in America was used to bring together the negotiating parties for the surrender treaty at the end of the Civil War.  These reliable roads would be crucial in America once the automobile revolution began in the early 20th century.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Orthodox Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Orthodox Church - Essay Example Unfortunately, very little is known about the history of two brothers and it is still unclear whether Cyril was the priest or simply the deacon. From religious point of view, the liturgical innovation of Cyril was accepted only by the Eastern Church, but it was also offered to the Roman Church. Despite of the numerous controversies about the important of brother's mission to Orthodox Church, their contribution to the Slavic culture and church history cannot be underestimated. Cyril and Methodius both rendered important services to Byzantine Empire and were sent by the Emperor and the Patriarch on the responsible mission to Moravia. It is apparent that the beginnings of the Russian Christianity coincide in time with the Moravian mission of Cyril and Methodius and with the conversion of Bulgaria to Christian Church. The Byzantine culture was the most highly developed of its time and was spreading fast. The Moravian mission of Cyril and Methodius has further extended Byzantine religious and cultural influences to remote Slavic regions in the central Europe. "The real and unique greatness of the Moravian mission lies not so much in its achievements in Moravia as in the outstanding and far-reaching results beyond the Moravian border" (Ostrogorsky 3). Two brothers have created the Slavonic alphabet which made possible the development of Slavic writing and opened the new era in the cultural life of Slavic people. In addition to cultural contribution of Cyril-Methodius mission to Slavic nations, the Moravian mission should be viewed as the missionary enterprise. Byzantium was consolidating the existing relations and establishing new relations with the Slavs. Some of the historical events of that time include: the Russian attack on Constantinople (860), the request of Moravian prince Rastislav to send Byzantine missionaries to his country (863), the official acceptance of Christianity by Bulgaria (864). These events took place within the four years, however, their importance to Byzantine Empire and to the Slavs was great. Byzantine state in the sixties of the ninth century was strengthened, the military power increased, the regions of the Balkan Peninsula were reoccupied, the influence and authority of Constantinople in the Christian Church increased (Ostrogorsky 15). These developments have laid the foundation for powerful expansion of Byzantine religious and cultural influences that took plac e during the activity of Cyril and Methodius. Cyril, being one of the most remarkable personalities in Byzantine Empire, endowed with secular and theological knowledge, was the exponent of the highest aspiration of the Byzantine Church (Ostrogorsky 15). Cyril and Methodius did preach and celebrated the liturgy in Slavic language; they created the alphabet and translated the Bible into Slavic. Because they did these things, they laid the foundation for the Slavic literacy, literature, and culture. In the result of their mission, Byzantine Church became the powerful factor in the Hellenization of the Slavic world. For example, in Moravia the Byzantines preached Christianity and celebrated Mass in Slavic language, the Slavic self-consciousness was deliberately supported. Cyril and Methodius opposed the trilingual heresy - the theory that Christian Church was being expressed only in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. Notably, the intensive research of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Hermes financial analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hermes financial analysis - Essay Example Gucci and Louis Vuitton are seen to embrace modern fashion more than traditional garment and accessory designs. This creates a distinctive advantage for Hermes. The current paper focuses upon analysing the financial ratios. The ratios have been constructed on the basis of the information procured from the company’s financial statements. The analysis reveals whether the company is in a suitable financial position to expand and enhance their activities (Hermes annual report, 2013). The share price of Hermes has been depicting an upward rising trend. Share price can be considered to be an essential indicator of the financial health of a company, the same reason due to which share prices of Hermes has been included in the current study. The company has been seen to invest in profitable expansion and growth projects since the last five years. This has facilitated Hermes to maintain a significantly high share prices, as compared with other close competitors of the firm, especially during the crisis period. During the crisis period many retail firms were seen to face issues with asset management and maintaining adequate cash reserves, as support from external financial institutions was limited. However, the strong operating policies and the adequate financial stability of Hermes had facilitated the company to maintain continuity of operations without being dependent on external finance. The sales volume of Hermes had also not been affected majorly. All such factors facilitated maintaining adequate returns to shareholders and maintain rising share prices. In the following sections of the current paper, in depth analysis has been conducted in respect of the financial condition of the firm, considering the financial years 2012 and 2013. This is expected to give more insight regarding the reasons behind the company’s ability to maintain high share prices. Gross profit ratio measures the amount of profits earned by the company

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Central banks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Central banks - Essay Example al bank delights in the monopoly of accumulating the financial base of a state and also it do prints the national currency which functions and acts as the state’s legal tender. This particular institution is considered to be independent from political intervention though restricted regulation by the executive and legislative bodies does exist. The central bank enjoys supervisory controls over other financial institutions. This helps in decreasing the risk that commercial banks and other financial institutions might indulge in fraudulent practices that may negatively affect a nation’s economy. A depository institution is a financial institution like commercial bank, savings bank and credit union that is lawfully permitted to receive deposits from its customers and provide them commercial credits. The federal depository institutions are controlled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the United States. Depository institutions are also regulated by the central bank in a number of ways so as to manage the money supply in the economy. They are also obligated by the central bank to conserve the reserve prerequisite as specified. The central bank functions as a banker, agent and financial advisor to the government. As a banker to the government, it plays the same role as a commercial bank does to its customers. It keeps the accounts of both the central government and the state government. It accepts payments from the government and offers short term credits to the government. It accumulates cheques and drafts put in the government account. It conveys overseas exchange capitals to the government for paying back marginal arrears or in the procurement of foreign goods. As an agent to the government, it collects taxes and other payments on behalf of the government. It also raises loans from the public thus managing public liability. The central bank also represents the government in external financial institutions in conferences. It equally acts as a