Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Is The Root Of All Evil Essay - 1509 Words

Capitalism is the root of all injustice, a past instructor would remark to me periodically thought out the semester. The past instructor was a woman who was a professor of political science and a supporter of my endeavors in environmental policy, and a feminist. I mention this because it is contrary to the ideas of Dave van Pattern who suggests in his piece that those who study sociology believe men are the root of all evil. Pattern was a political science graduate, and I myself as a political science major understood where his earlier beliefs about men s rights came from and I also applaud his later transition away from the previous notions of masculinity. Furthermore, my feminism was built up by largely female professors in my courses ranging from Environmental Science, Anthropology, Ethics, Political Theory, and now Communication Studies 360. However, I am troubled by the statistics stated within some of the articles and texts such as the Backlash article that presented data of ho w women are not equal and do not have it all. In Roxanne Gay s piece, In truth, feminism is flawed because it is a movement powered by people and people are inherently flawed. The notion of not having it all, troubles me because if people seek to be liberated from oppression but their values and aims are to have it all than the movements for gender equality are not a means in itself but a means to an end. In other words, instrumental value is the goal not intrinsic value which isShow MoreRelatedRacism: The Root Of All Evil1022 Words   |  5 Pagesstrategies do not favor any of the parties; on the contrary they enhance violence against the immigrants. Furthermore, there exists social tension between Americans and Mexicans and even Latin-Americans, which have a direct impact on the economy of all of the corresponding countries. 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